SPS 0.0062 DEC 0.696 VOU 0.0096 HIVE 0.224 COLONY 0.00050 SCRIPT 0.658 GLX 0.00062



: Summoners / MC: Market Cap in millions $ with Low Bcx price / Red total BCX printed when card is out of print

Regular circulating Gold circulating Burned BCX
Card E S R Total BCX printed Cards BCX MC Cards BCX MC Reg Gold
Venari Knifer C C 1,232,169 - 228,348 1,127,891 0.007 15,517 44,988 0.006 58,156 1,134
Gargoya Scrapper C C 1,232,679 - 242,860 1,115,528 0.004 16,074 45,433 0.005 70,573 1,145
Lava Spider C C 1,232,836 - 196,057 1,124,133 0.006 13,779 45,093 0.006 62,392 1,218
Blinding Reflector C C 1,232,886 - 197,586 1,127,904 0.006 14,093 45,192 0.008 58,704 1,086
Carrion Shade C C 1,233,003 - 233,902 1,114,460 0.006 15,705 44,910 0.006 72,506 1,127
Chaos Agent C C 1,233,198 - 218,471 1,132,680 0.015 15,166 45,423 0.011 53,936 1,159
Riftwing C C 1,233,529 - 192,592 1,129,960 0.007 14,377 45,445 0.009 57,037 1,087
Supply Runner C C 1,233,738 - 190,628 1,132,417 0.007 14,087 45,270 0.009 54,981 1,070
Venari Scout C C 1,233,804 - 213,838 1,128,322 0.006 14,609 45,164 0.007 59,253 1,065
Silent Sha-vi C C 1,233,821 - 196,265 1,132,154 0.010 15,261 45,269 0.007 55,288 1,110
Radiated Brute C C 1,233,874 - 204,204 1,125,809 0.006 14,419 45,196 0.005 61,623 1,246
Crypt Beetle C C 1,234,002 - 221,210 1,125,680 0.006 14,516 45,398 0.006 61,810 1,114
Shadow Snitch C C 1,234,017 - 220,148 1,130,714 0.006 14,906 45,069 0.007 57,070 1,164
Scavo Hireling C C 1,234,336 - 259,952 1,134,067 0.073 19,929 45,387 0.042 53,850 1,032
Hardy Stonefish C C 1,234,411 - 249,622 1,127,092 0.005 16,205 45,396 0.007 60,735 1,188
Radiated Scorcher C C 1,234,416 - 234,220 1,123,590 0.004 15,892 45,162 0.006 64,450 1,214
Antoid Platoon C C 1,234,965 - 187,791 1,129,728 0.009 14,336 45,415 0.007 58,443 1,379
Stitch Leech C C 1,234,994 - 192,962 1,133,736 0.010 14,374 44,990 0.010 55,176 1,092
Disintegrator C C 1,235,031 - 204,359 1,134,102 0.011 15,760 45,615 0.008 54,173 1,141
Scavo Chemist C C 1,235,044 - 227,854 1,129,375 0.005 14,646 45,006 0.007 59,459 1,204
Chaos Knight C C 1,235,052 - 219,215 1,131,668 0.009 15,519 45,156 0.008 57,097 1,131
Hill Giant C C 1,235,057 - 202,878 1,131,059 0.009 14,350 44,852 0.006 57,993 1,153
Mycelic Morphoid C C 1,235,106 - 245,972 1,127,249 0.005 16,609 45,651 0.008 61,078 1,128
Flying Squid C C 1,235,167 - 181,217 1,131,068 0.007 13,743 45,341 0.007 57,623 1,135
Sunkai Harvester C C 1,235,328 - 256,386 1,118,814 0.006 15,464 45,641 0.006 69,757 1,116
Deeplurker C C 1,235,338 - 169,162 1,134,642 0.018 13,130 45,415 0.013 54,262 1,019
Goblin Psychic C C 1,235,389 - 188,176 1,134,204 0.014 15,268 45,468 0.010 54,677 1,040
Kulu Swimhunter C C 1,235,834 - 213,195 1,132,547 0.006 15,446 45,334 0.007 56,821 1,132
Cruel Sethropod C C 1,236,098 - 193,387 1,132,548 0.011 14,332 45,607 0.010 56,884 1,059
35,795,122 6,182,457 32,733,141 0.290 437,512 1,313,286 0.253 1,715,807 32,888

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