SPS 0.0062 DEC 0.699 VOU 0.0096 HIVE 0.224 COLONY 0.00046 SCRIPT 0.657 GLX 0.00062



: Summoners / MC: Market Cap in millions $ with Low Bcx price / Red total BCX printed when card is out of print

Regular circulating Gold circulating Burned BCX
Card E S R Total BCX printed Cards BCX MC Cards BCX MC Reg Gold
Cryptic RB L 4,407 - 1,376 4,218 0.058 126 189 0.025 0 0
Lorkus RB L 4,611 - 1,170 4,406 0.067 110 194 0.034 11 0
Venka the Vile RB L 4,716 - 1,248 4,541 0.087 102 175 0.041 0 0
Chaos Golem RB L 4,720 - 1,134 4,556 0.016 102 164 0.021 0 0
Lord Thanalor RB L 4,731 - 1,172 4,538 0.016 124 191 0.018 2 0
Endura Brune RB L 4,735 - 1,120 4,554 0.018 113 181 0.038 0 0
Solace Ashinach RB L 4,739 - 1,072 4,555 0.015 129 184 0.027 0 0
Daarg Deadblast RB L 4,760 - 1,188 4,582 0.059 109 178 0.025 0 0
Akane RB L 4,760 - 1,041 4,563 0.060 120 197 0.027 0 0
Zebajin RB L 4,762 - 1,210 4,546 0.018 140 216 0.021 0 0
Commander Goff RB L 4,783 - 1,101 4,561 0.017 134 222 0.021 0 0
Bera Dallin RB L 4,822 - 1,166 4,628 0.017 118 194 0.023 0 0
Rush Townsend RB L 4,862 - 1,160 4,680 0.021 112 182 0.036 0 0
Kei RB L 4,901 - 1,341 4,738 0.023 114 163 0.027 0 0
Nalara Geinek RB L 4,907 - 1,146 4,714 0.023 130 193 0.020 0 0
Runeseer Sevaya RB L 4,909 - 1,155 4,703 0.031 119 206 0.028 0 0
Demise Archon Faust RB L 4,924 - 1,203 4,729 0.015 128 195 0.021 0 0
Barashkukor RB L 4,997 - 1,284 4,820 0.020 129 177 0.018 0 0
Rage RB L 5,476 - 1,298 5,264 0.070 124 212 0.050 0 0
Thanalorian Scion RB E 12,200 - 2,031 11,736 0.010 220 463 0.009 0 1
Dalthin Ironhood RB E 12,295 - 1,842 11,823 0.014 236 472 0.007 0 0
Satha Toledo RB E 12,296 - 1,946 11,804 0.018 260 492 0.010 0 0
Redwyrm Dragon RB E 12,298 - 1,937 11,833 0.012 236 465 0.007 0 0
Croire RB E 12,345 - 1,783 11,831 0.022 230 514 0.000 0 0
Captain Fellblade RB E 12,363 - 1,885 11,856 0.032 246 507 0.010 0 0
Executioner Kraan RB E 12,391 - 2,004 11,873 0.007 245 518 0.013 0 0
Pallus RB E 12,392 - 1,953 11,902 0.010 229 490 0.008 0 0
Infernal Firestorm RB E 12,444 - 1,880 11,952 0.011 235 492 0.009 0 0
Avarisdeus RB E 12,458 - 1,784 11,999 0.008 205 458 0.007 1 0
Harbinger of Chaos RB E 12,496 - 1,822 11,973 0.011 246 523 0.007 0 0
Redwyrm Hatchling RB E 12,503 - 1,867 11,974 0.010 264 529 0.008 0 0
Karst Harpy RB E 12,503 - 1,841 11,987 0.009 219 501 0.010 15 0
Great Porcupine RB E 12,550 - 1,954 12,053 0.011 224 497 0.007 0 0
Wailing Wraith RB R 36,855 - 3,972 35,367 0.008 482 1,488 0.004 0 0
Thanalorian Archer RB R 36,899 - 4,393 35,445 0.005 470 1,453 0.004 0 1
Daigendark Hunter RB R 36,958 - 4,231 35,541 0.006 473 1,417 0.004 0 0
Drybone Bowdog RB R 36,965 - 4,179 35,534 0.005 482 1,430 0.005 1 0
Anachron Bolter RB R 37,009 - 4,262 35,599 0.013 466 1,409 0.008 1 0
Torch Vizier RB R 37,066 - 4,383 35,572 0.009 479 1,486 0.011 8 0
Avina of the Wolf RB R 37,071 - 3,701 35,540 0.021 466 1,531 0.013 0 0
Flame Mephit RB R 37,086 - 3,942 35,591 0.005 504 1,485 0.006 9 1
Chaos Jailer RB R 37,108 - 3,874 35,672 0.010 512 1,430 0.005 6 0
Anasth Soothsayer RB R 37,144 - 3,793 35,649 0.027 524 1,495 0.011 0 0
Silverblade Fighter RB R 37,153 - 3,912 35,710 0.010 476 1,443 0.008 0 0
Gobson Sniper RB R 37,180 - 4,091 35,681 0.005 527 1,499 0.005 0 0
Moxian Rebel RB R 37,194 - 4,968 35,719 0.038 472 1,473 0.022 2 0
Muspelheim Demon RB R 37,257 - 4,229 35,807 0.005 507 1,438 0.005 12 0
Argarux Magus RB R 37,257 - 4,172 35,750 0.008 483 1,506 0.005 1 0
Torch Myrmidon RB R 37,268 - 4,178 35,762 0.005 501 1,501 0.005 4 1
Nomos RB R 37,294 - 4,389 35,823 0.005 521 1,470 0.005 1 0
Lioceros RB R 37,307 - 4,519 35,857 0.006 539 1,450 0.004 0 0
Mad Ogre Anarchist RB R 37,317 - 4,705 35,827 0.009 497 1,489 0.004 1 0
Sea Dog of Eight RB R 37,339 - 4,240 35,872 0.006 504 1,466 0.004 1 0
Reklah RB R 37,340 - 4,132 35,863 0.008 504 1,477 0.005 0 0
Ulundin Regulator RB R 37,341 - 4,376 35,831 0.009 473 1,509 0.004 1 0
Prophet Rosa RB R 37,345 - 4,007 35,883 0.012 498 1,462 0.006 0 0
Blackmoor Nymph RB R 37,359 - 4,321 35,880 0.013 498 1,478 0.007 1 0
Underboss Fabino RB R 37,378 - 4,301 35,923 0.011 492 1,454 0.007 1 0
Helheim Demon RB R 37,394 - 4,793 35,904 0.006 529 1,488 0.004 2 0
Swell Spore Beast RB R 37,546 - 4,659 36,100 0.008 517 1,446 0.004 0 0
Pirate of Eight RB R 37,567 - 4,220 36,098 0.007 489 1,466 0.004 3 0
Dolfar Darflak RB C 100,091 - 8,400 96,186 0.010 954 3,892 0.006 13 0
Gobalano Soldier RB C 100,141 - 8,596 96,160 0.014 916 3,966 0.009 14 1
Chaos Rear Guard RB C 100,190 - 8,404 96,186 0.008 979 3,992 0.004 11 1
Mar Toren Seeker RB C 100,515 - 8,948 96,601 0.007 1,012 3,895 0.003 19 0
Chuul Jujinchi RB C 100,536 - 7,989 96,447 0.013 973 4,085 0.007 4 0
Daigendark Surveyor RB C 100,601 - 8,394 96,617 0.015 930 3,977 0.010 6 1
Chaos Orc RB C 100,606 - 8,776 96,656 0.005 954 3,933 0.004 16 1
Chaos Lackey RB C 100,641 - 9,568 96,607 0.004 999 4,005 0.003 29 0
Sultry Barmaid RB C 100,641 - 9,028 96,652 0.004 1,074 3,968 0.004 20 1
New Sskah Drudge RB C 100,687 - 10,612 96,699 0.004 1,035 3,981 0.004 7 0
Skyspire Yak RB C 100,766 - 9,095 96,788 0.004 1,017 3,960 0.003 18 0
Grimbardun Fighter RB C 100,822 - 11,360 96,703 0.005 1,057 4,113 0.004 6 0
Ujurak Mystic RB C 100,827 - 11,834 96,773 0.005 1,133 4,031 0.006 22 1
Lurking Puffer RB C 100,831 - 8,387 96,891 0.014 914 3,937 0.010 3 0
Ulundin Overseer RB C 100,890 - 11,035 96,869 0.012 1,050 4,011 0.005 7 3
Zeddica RB C 100,900 - 8,342 96,880 0.013 998 4,015 0.011 5 0
Prunda Undervesch RB C 100,940 - 8,548 97,015 0.015 986 3,918 0.010 7 0
Ahna-Chei Botanist RB C 100,955 - 8,454 96,996 0.008 1,014 3,947 0.005 12 0
Blackmoor Trickster RB C 100,970 - 9,106 96,882 0.004 967 4,073 0.004 15 0
Endless Ape RB C 100,993 - 9,646 96,926 0.004 981 4,052 0.003 15 0
Aria Bandit RB C 101,080 - 8,719 97,048 0.004 1,005 4,019 0.003 11 2
Khazi Fire Mage RB C 101,138 - 9,872 97,190 0.005 1,027 3,941 0.003 5 2
Nimbledook Ranger RB C 101,140 - 11,133 97,186 0.005 945 3,949 0.004 5 0
Albahoo Forester RB C 101,177 - 7,654 97,292 0.015 918 3,882 0.007 2 1
Nimbledook Scout RB C 101,197 - 7,434 97,224 0.015 938 3,963 0.007 10 0
Chaos Animator RB C 101,199 - 9,038 97,236 0.007 1,086 3,954 0.004 7 2
Meriput Magician RB C 101,216 - 9,403 97,242 0.017 1,041 3,970 0.013 2 2
Brewmaster Abraxas RB C 101,285 - 8,468 97,331 0.010 960 3,954 0.008 0 0
Fenmoor Haunt RB C 101,461 - 9,439 97,396 0.009 1,068 4,060 0.006 4 1
4,231,489 433,738 4,063,971 1.372 48,394 167,116 0.978 379 23

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