SPS 0.0095 DEC 0.794 VOU 0.0075 HIVE 0.228 COLONY 0.00023 SCRIPT 0.232 GLX 0.00057

List Price analysis

Last update: Nov 21, 2024 - 11:19.14

Currently 1334 days is the maximum of the recorded market history, with the passage of time bigger analysis periods will become available

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Period: 2024-11-14 - 2024-11-21

Prices $ 1 week AVG
Monster | Summoner 1 week ago Last DEC Trend Min / Max Value $ Last/AVG
Byzantine Kitty U L 49.900 48.500 61,114 -2.8% 49.401 | 49.900 49.802 -2.6%
Yodin Zaku U L 49.500 44.550 56,137 -10.0% 44.550 | 49.500 45.554 -2.2%
Scarred Llama Mage U L 22.000 25.740 32,434 +17.0% 22.000 | 26.000 24.886 +3.4%
Dragon Jumper U L 3.699 12.000 15,121 +224.4% 3.699 | 12.000 8.146 +47.3%
Lir Deepswimmer U L 11.000 11.000 13,861 0.0% 11.000 | 11.766 11.401 -3.5%
Chanseus the Great U L 10.000 9.135 11,511 -8.7% 9.000 | 10.000 9.408 -2.9%
Mimosa Nightshade U L 10.645 8.354 10,527 -21.5% 8.653 | 10.645 9.611 -13.1%
Cornealus U L 8.500 8.074 10,174 -5.0% 8.287 | 8.500 8.470 -4.7%
Kron the Undying U L 9.640 7.900 9,955 -18.0% 7.900 | 9.994 9.185 -14.0%
Magnor U L 5.011 4.900 6,174 -2.2% 5.011 | 5.011 5.011 -2.2%
Diamond Dragon U L 4.700 4.700 5,922 0.0% 4.700 | 4.700 4.700 0.0%
Dark Ha'on U L 4.500 4.450 5,607 -1.1% 4.225 | 4.500 4.442 +0.2%
Phantom of the Abyss U L 4.365 4.365 5,500 0.0% 4.308 | 4.365 4.357 +0.2%
Camila Sungazer U L 5.350 4.000 5,040 -25.2% 4.257 | 6.670 5.230 -23.5%
The Vigilator U L 3.200 3.000 3,780 -6.3% 3.008 | 3.200 3.114 -3.7%
Gloridax Guardian U L 2.722 2.755 3,472 +1.2% 2.618 | 2.756 2.707 +1.8%
Gloridax Magus U L 2.444 2.475 3,119 +1.3% 2.351 | 2.475 2.439 +1.5%
Scale Doctor U L 2.200 2.100 2,646 -4.5% 2.200 | 2.200 2.200 -4.5%
Tortisian Chief U E 2.113 2.032 2,560 -3.8% 2.032 | 2.113 2.044 -0.6%
High Priest Darius U L 2.357 2.000 2,520 -15.1% 2.000 | 2.357 2.258 -11.4%
Elven Mystic U R 0.245 1.812 2,283 +639.6% 0.233 | 3.030 1.218 +48.8%
Thunderbird U E 1.850 1.638 2,064 -11.5% 1.638 | 1.850 1.717 -4.6%
Azmare Harpoonist U E 0.285 1.238 1,560 +334.4% 0.276 | 1.244 0.502 +146.7%
Ferexia General U E 0.298 1.152 1,452 +286.6% 0.291 | 1.164 0.814 +41.5%
Lobstradamus U E 2.000 1.104 1,391 -44.8% 1.051 | 2.000 1.206 -8.5%
Goblin Firemage U E 1.164 1.051 1,324 -9.7% 1.058 | 1.164 1.105 -4.9%
Darkest Mage U E 0.277 1.023 1,289 +269.3% 0.277 | 1.140 0.683 +49.7%
The Gorlodon U E 0.793 0.786 990 -0.9% 0.786 | 0.794 0.792 -0.8%
War Chaang U E 0.719 0.641 808 -10.8% 0.641 | 0.719 0.674 -4.9%
Soulstorm U E 0.638 0.630 794 -1.3% 0.630 | 0.638 0.632 -0.3%
Coral Wraith U E 0.737 0.616 776 -16.4% 0.634 | 0.737 0.681 -9.6%
Khmer Princess U R 0.659 0.600 756 -9.0% 0.599 | 0.659 0.625 -4.0%
Hero of Beyond U E 0.481 0.580 731 +20.6% 0.481 | 0.580 0.541 +7.2%
Tower Griffin U R 0.675 0.546 688 -19.1% 0.480 | 0.675 0.540 +1.1%
Light Elemental U E 0.516 0.528 665 +2.3% 0.508 | 0.528 0.522 +1.2%
Sporcerer U E 0.683 0.517 651 -24.3% 0.528 | 0.683 0.598 -13.5%
Bone Golem U R 0.131 0.440 554 +235.9% 0.131 | 0.476 0.320 +37.5%
Giant Scorpion U C 0.018 0.438 552 +2333.3% 0.018 | 0.818 0.200 +118.5%
Pyromaniac U E 0.338 0.410 517 +21.3% 0.326 | 0.414 0.379 +8.2%
Beatrix Ironhand U E 0.247 0.370 466 +49.8% 0.247 | 0.370 0.322 +15.0%
Mitica Headhunter U E 0.385 0.309 389 -19.7% 0.309 | 0.385 0.345 -10.5%
Bortus U R 0.348 0.304 383 -12.6% 0.296 | 0.348 0.311 -2.4%
Shieldbearer U R 0.488 0.280 353 -42.6% 0.291 | 0.488 0.328 -14.6%
Truthspeaker U R 0.267 0.272 343 +1.9% 0.241 | 0.275 0.260 +4.4%
Mother Khala U R 0.271 0.267 336 -1.5% 0.267 | 0.271 0.268 -0.4%
Ice Pixie U R 0.086 0.248 313 +188.4% 0.086 | 0.250 0.181 +37.1%
Failed Summoner U C 0.312 0.240 302 -23.1% 0.249 | 0.312 0.275 -12.8%
Spark Pixies U R 0.230 0.230 290 0.0% 0.230 | 0.230 0.230 0.0%
Death Elemental U R 0.243 0.219 276 -9.9% 0.219 | 0.243 0.229 -4.4%
Drake of Arnak U R 0.200 0.190 239 -5.0% 0.196 | 0.200 0.198 -4.2%
Pyre U R 0.130 0.158 199 +21.5% 0.130 | 0.158 0.147 +7.2%
Unicorn Mustang U R 0.134 0.148 186 +10.4% 0.131 | 0.149 0.144 +3.1%
Fire Elemental U R 0.074 0.146 184 +97.3% 0.074 | 0.147 0.108 +35.5%
Goblin Fireballer U C 0.254 0.143 180 -43.7% 0.144 | 0.254 0.204 -29.9%
Wizard of Eastwood U R 0.088 0.140 176 +59.1% 0.088 | 0.141 0.120 +16.8%
Herbalist U C 0.450 0.140 176 -68.9% 0.140 | 0.450 0.274 -48.8%
Living Lava U R 0.168 0.137 173 -18.5% 0.137 | 0.168 0.149 -8.0%
Contessa L'ament U R 0.101 0.132 166 +30.7% 0.101 | 0.132 0.122 +8.1%
Child of the Forest U R 0.181 0.121 152 -33.1% 0.121 | 0.181 0.137 -11.8%
Lone Boatman U C 0.026 0.120 151 +361.5% 0.022 | 0.096 0.034 +248.5%
Orc Sergeant U C 0.190 0.085 107 -55.3% 0.085 | 0.190 0.108 -21.1%
Serpent of Eld U R 0.060 0.068 86 +13.3% 0.060 | 0.068 0.064 +6.5%
Serpentine Spy U C 0.071 0.068 86 -4.2% 0.046 | 0.079 0.062 +8.9%
Horny Toad U C 0.019 0.067 84 +252.6% 0.019 | 0.067 0.044 +52.3%
Giant Squid U R 0.078 0.063 79 -19.2% 0.063 | 0.078 0.068 -7.7%
Goblin Chariot U R 0.069 0.062 78 -10.1% 0.062 | 0.069 0.064 -3.6%
Luminous Eagle U R 0.059 0.058 73 -1.7% 0.055 | 0.059 0.058 +0.7%
Dark Astronomer U R 0.062 0.052 66 -16.1% 0.052 | 0.062 0.058 -10.1%
Undead Badger U C 0.034 0.051 64 +50.0% 0.021 | 0.050 0.036 +42.2%
Albatross U C 0.058 0.050 63 -13.8% 0.058 | 0.070 0.066 -23.7%
Feasting Seaweed U C 0.030 0.047 59 +56.7% 0.027 | 0.047 0.039 +21.0%
Tortisian Fighter U C 0.046 0.046 58 0.0% 0.038 | 0.046 0.044 +5.2%
Elven Defender U C 0.031 0.040 50 +29.0% 0.030 | 0.040 0.037 +8.1%
Mantoid U C 0.028 0.037 47 +32.1% 0.019 | 0.039 0.030 +23.9%
Parasitic Growth U C 0.034 0.036 45 +5.9% 0.031 | 0.036 0.035 +2.9%
Biceratops U C 0.035 0.035 44 0.0% 0.035 | 0.035 0.035 0.0%
Cave Slug U C 0.033 0.034 43 +3.0% 0.033 | 0.033 0.033 +3.0%
Cursed Slimeball U C 0.028 0.031 39 +10.7% 0.028 | 0.031 0.030 +2.4%
Goblin Thief U C 0.026 0.029 37 +11.5% 0.026 | 0.029 0.028 +2.0%
Maggots U C 0.027 0.027 34 0.0% 0.027 | 0.027 0.027 0.0%
Magma Troll U C 0.022 0.023 29 +4.5% 0.017 | 0.024 0.021 +8.1%
Crystal Jaguar U C 0.041 0.023 29 -43.9% 0.023 | 0.048 0.029 -21.1%
Kobold Bruiser U C 0.021 0.021 26 0.0% 0.021 | 0.021 0.021 0.0%
Sniping Narwhal U C 0.016 0.016 20 0.0% 0.016 | 0.017 0.016 -2.6%

84 cards, 2.776$ average

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