SPS 0.0062 DEC 0.699 VOU 0.0097 HIVE 0.224 COLONY 0.00046 SCRIPT 0.657 GLX 0.00062

List Price analysis

Last update: Jul 27, 2024 - 02:20.13

Currently 1217 days is the maximum of the recorded market history, with the passage of time bigger analysis periods will become available

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Period: 2024-07-20 - 2024-07-27

Prices $ 1 week AVG
Monster | Summoner 1 week ago Last DEC Trend Min / Max Value $ Last/AVG
Nimbledook Scout RB C 0.167 0.209 299 +25.1% 0.161 | 0.202 0.178 +17.5%
Prunda Undervesch RB C 0.176 0.192 275 +9.1% 0.167 | 0.204 0.181 +6.3%
Lurking Puffer RB C 0.167 0.187 267 +12.0% 0.167 | 0.281 0.234 -20.1%
Meriput Magician RB C 0.194 0.176 252 -9.3% 0.194 | 0.256 0.232 -24.2%
Daigendark Surveyor RB C 0.172 0.165 236 -4.1% 0.153 | 0.238 0.180 -8.2%
Zeddica RB C 0.222 0.161 230 -27.5% 0.147 | 0.233 0.199 -19.2%
Albahoo Forester RB C 0.182 0.159 227 -12.6% 0.180 | 0.237 0.209 -23.9%
Gobalano Soldier RB C 0.228 0.147 210 -35.5% 0.157 | 0.228 0.201 -26.9%
Chuul Jujinchi RB C 0.140 0.139 199 -0.7% 0.140 | 0.163 0.151 -7.7%
Ulundin Overseer RB C 0.165 0.120 172 -27.3% 0.152 | 0.315 0.220 -45.3%
Brewmaster Abraxas RB C 0.112 0.104 149 -7.1% 0.104 | 0.132 0.116 -10.0%
Ahna-Chei Botanist RB C 0.093 0.096 137 +3.2% 0.093 | 0.097 0.095 +1.2%
Dolfar Darflak RB C 0.105 0.094 134 -10.5% 0.097 | 0.108 0.103 -8.9%
Fenmoor Haunt RB C 0.090 0.093 133 +3.3% 0.090 | 0.133 0.110 -15.2%
Chaos Rear Guard RB C 0.078 0.087 124 +11.5% 0.076 | 0.129 0.089 -1.7%
Sultry Barmaid RB C 0.053 0.074 106 +39.6% 0.053 | 0.078 0.067 +10.4%
Chaos Animator RB C 0.088 0.074 106 -15.9% 0.074 | 0.100 0.085 -12.4%
Mar Toren Seeker RB C 0.067 0.067 96 0.0% 0.067 | 0.119 0.089 -24.3%
Chaos Orc RB C 0.071 0.058 83 -18.3% 0.054 | 0.076 0.063 -8.2%
Grimbardun Fighter RB C 0.092 0.058 83 -37.0% 0.062 | 0.092 0.072 -19.3%
Ujurak Mystic RB C 0.064 0.055 79 -14.1% 0.062 | 0.070 0.066 -16.9%
Endless Ape RB C 0.058 0.050 72 -13.8% 0.051 | 0.077 0.062 -19.1%
Nimbledook Ranger RB C 0.062 0.049 70 -21.0% 0.051 | 0.062 0.059 -16.9%
Khazi Fire Mage RB C 0.049 0.049 70 0.0% 0.049 | 0.054 0.052 -4.9%
Aria Bandit RB C 0.062 0.048 69 -22.6% 0.057 | 0.077 0.065 -26.0%
Blackmoor Trickster RB C 0.072 0.044 63 -38.9% 0.047 | 0.072 0.059 -24.8%
Skyspire Yak RB C 0.056 0.043 61 -23.2% 0.042 | 0.065 0.052 -16.5%
New Sskah Drudge RB C 0.051 0.043 61 -15.7% 0.048 | 0.054 0.051 -15.4%
Chaos Lackey RB C 0.051 0.039 56 -23.5% 0.044 | 0.051 0.048 -19.0%

29 cards, 0.099$ average

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