SPS 0.0062 DEC 0.696 VOU 0.0096 HIVE 0.224 COLONY 0.00050 SCRIPT 0.658 GLX 0.00062

List Price analysis

Last update: Jul 27, 2024 - 05:08.15

Currently 1217 days is the maximum of the recorded market history, with the passage of time bigger analysis periods will become available

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Period: 2024-07-20 - 2024-07-27

Prices $ 1 week AVG
Monster | Summoner 1 week ago Last DEC Trend Min / Max Value $ Last/AVG
Prince Julian P L 2,950.000 2,950.000 4,241,553 0.0% 2,950.000 | 2,950.000 2,950.000 0.0%
Mighty Dricken P L 890.998 890.998 1,281,090 0.0% 890.998 | 890.998 890.998 0.0%
Archmage Arius P L 699.999 699.999 1,006,469 0.0% 699.999 | 699.999 699.999 0.0%
Shin-Lo P L 550.000 539.000 774,982 -2.0% 539.000 | 550.000 547.643 -1.6%
Lux Vega P L 172.688 173.249 249,100 +0.3% 172.688 | 173.249 173.169 +0.0%
Waka Spiritblade P L 148.499 148.499 213,514 0.0% 148.499 | 148.499 148.499 0.0%
Chain Golem P L 8.650 79.922 114,913 +824.0% 8.650 | 79.923 44.286 +80.5%
Royal Dragon Archer P E 59.000 55.000 79,080 -6.8% 55.000 | 59.000 58.214 -5.5%
Mantaroth P L 0.000 38.999 56,073 0.0% 0.000 | 0.000 0.000 0.0%
Neb Seni P R 24.900 24.000 34,508 -3.6% 24.899 | 24.900 24.900 -3.6%
Corrupted Pegasus P L 15.300 14.953 21,500 -2.3% 14.953 | 15.300 15.114 -1.1%
Zyriel P L 8.000 13.000 18,692 +62.5% 8.000 | 13.321 10.931 +18.9%
Doctor Blight P L 15.000 11.499 16,533 -23.3% 13.206 | 15.000 14.719 -21.9%
Minotaur Warlord P L 10.050 9.953 14,311 -1.0% 9.953 | 10.050 9.998 -0.5%
Red Dragon P L 8.053 7.293 10,486 -9.4% 7.365 | 8.053 7.587 -3.9%
Oshuur Constantia P L 6.850 6.584 9,467 -3.9% 6.754 | 6.930 6.830 -3.6%
Baron Fyatt P L 4.525 4.127 5,934 -8.8% 4.174 | 4.525 4.333 -4.8%
Dragon Whelp P C 4.393 4.000 5,751 -8.9% 4.130 | 4.393 4.277 -6.5%
Lord of Fire P L 3.990 3.899 5,606 -2.3% 3.899 | 3.990 3.954 -1.4%
Mermaid Healer P E 9.446 3.899 5,606 -58.7% 3.912 | 9.446 8.438 -53.8%
Grimbardun Smith P R 0.000 3.215 4,623 0.0% 0.000 | 0.000 0.000 0.0%
Halfling Alchemist P E 2.909 2.641 3,797 -9.2% 2.659 | 2.909 2.775 -4.8%
Fiendish Harpy P E 0.977 0.977 1,405 0.0% 0.977 | 0.977 0.977 0.0%
Henchling Enforcer P R 0.697 0.695 999 -0.3% 0.695 | 0.697 0.695 -0.1%
Dwarven Wizard P E 0.645 0.657 945 +1.9% 0.645 | 0.657 0.655 +0.3%
Delwyn Dragonscale P C 0.549 0.449 646 -18.2% 0.539 | 0.549 0.543 -17.2%
Dragonling Bowman P R 0.485 0.345 496 -28.9% 0.345 | 0.485 0.423 -18.4%
Goblin Chef P C 0.320 0.285 410 -10.9% 0.285 | 0.320 0.310 -8.0%
Silvershield Bard P R 0.198 0.233 335 +17.7% 0.198 | 0.240 0.227 +2.4%
Undead Archer P R 0.175 0.228 328 +30.3% 0.175 | 0.228 0.208 +9.5%
Electric Eels P R 0.210 0.162 233 -22.9% 0.171 | 0.210 0.198 -18.2%
Vruz P C 0.065 0.099 142 +52.3% 0.055 | 0.123 0.088 +12.1%
Enchanted Defender P C 0.081 0.076 109 -6.2% 0.081 | 0.186 0.116 -34.6%
Molten Ogre P C 0.138 0.043 62 -68.8% 0.044 | 0.186 0.147 -70.8%
Armorsmith P C 0.090 0.042 60 -53.3% 0.046 | 0.090 0.078 -46.4%
Arkemis the Bear P C 0.050 0.032 46 -36.0% 0.040 | 0.050 0.047 -32.5%

36 cards, 158.029$ average

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