SPS 0.0062 DEC 0.700 VOU 0.0097 HIVE 0.225 COLONY 0.00046 SCRIPT 0.658 GLX 0.00062

List Price analysis

Last update: Jul 27, 2024 - 03:01.13

Currently 1217 days is the maximum of the recorded market history, with the passage of time bigger analysis periods will become available

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Period: 2024-07-20 - 2024-07-27

Prices $ 1 week AVG
Monster | Summoner 1 week ago Last DEC Trend Min / Max Value $ Last/AVG
Inevitable RW L 26.300 23.000 32,871 -12.5% 23.000 | 26.300 23.804 -3.4%
Immolation RW L 14.000 11.693 16,711 -16.5% 11.686 | 14.000 12.022 -2.7%
Agor Longtail RW L 8.160 8.213 11,738 +0.6% 7.502 | 8.213 8.089 +1.5%
Sea Wreck RW L 7.563 7.175 10,254 -5.1% 7.211 | 7.563 7.387 -2.9%
Kain Hace RW L 5.949 5.724 8,181 -3.8% 5.739 | 5.949 5.889 -2.8%
Coeurl Lurker RW L 5.750 5.700 8,146 -0.9% 5.750 | 5.963 5.797 -1.7%
Runemancer Florre RW L 5.124 4.112 5,877 -19.8% 4.133 | 5.124 4.542 -9.5%
Ilthain RW E 2.109 4.000 5,717 +89.7% 2.109 | 2.368 2.156 +85.5%
Runemancer Kye RW L 2.713 2.790 3,987 +2.8% 2.713 | 2.828 2.790 +0.0%
Ancient Redwood RW L 3.396 2.774 3,965 -18.3% 2.899 | 3.396 3.295 -15.8%
Mordeus RW L 2.490 2.424 3,464 -2.7% 2.427 | 2.490 2.473 -2.0%
Runemancer Atuat RW L 1.296 2.150 3,073 +65.9% 1.296 | 2.500 1.642 +30.9%
Raa RW L 1.775 1.935 2,765 +9.0% 1.446 | 2.385 1.932 +0.2%
Fernheart RW E 0.875 0.940 1,343 +7.4% 0.875 | 0.978 0.910 +3.3%
Aquatus RW E 0.909 0.791 1,130 -13.0% 0.793 | 0.909 0.878 -9.9%
Sthispa RW E 0.520 0.619 885 +19.0% 0.520 | 0.635 0.605 +2.3%
Skargore RW E 0.436 0.547 782 +25.5% 0.436 | 0.698 0.622 -12.1%
Queen of Crows RW R 0.466 0.511 730 +9.7% 0.447 | 0.494 0.468 +9.2%
Bramble Pixie RW C 1.060 0.399 570 -62.4% 0.431 | 1.060 0.660 -39.5%
Dallan RW E 0.206 0.226 323 +9.7% 0.206 | 0.240 0.232 -2.5%
Sea Stalker RW R 0.162 0.177 253 +9.3% 0.148 | 0.195 0.165 +7.6%
Corsair Bosun RW R 0.150 0.168 240 +12.0% 0.150 | 0.170 0.160 +5.1%
Cabalist RW R 0.109 0.120 172 +10.1% 0.105 | 0.120 0.111 +8.0%
Water Caller RW R 0.129 0.119 170 -7.8% 0.102 | 0.130 0.118 +0.6%
Tinderlock RW R 0.120 0.103 147 -14.2% 0.103 | 0.152 0.129 -20.3%
Uloth Dhampir RW R 0.106 0.101 144 -4.7% 0.101 | 0.114 0.106 -5.1%
Runic Skyclaw RW R 0.174 0.100 143 -42.5% 0.100 | 0.218 0.186 -46.2%
Suidae Shaman RW R 0.096 0.088 126 -8.3% 0.088 | 0.104 0.098 -10.3%
Technowizologist RW R 0.083 0.085 121 +2.4% 0.059 | 0.094 0.083 +2.6%
Scavo Technomancer RW R 0.082 0.085 121 +3.7% 0.082 | 0.088 0.086 -0.8%
Ash Mirage RW C 0.066 0.078 111 +18.2% 0.066 | 0.072 0.068 +14.2%
Runeslinger RW R 0.060 0.074 106 +23.3% 0.060 | 0.078 0.071 +4.6%
Night Ghoul RW C 0.040 0.052 74 +30.0% 0.035 | 0.060 0.047 +10.3%
Junker RW C 0.058 0.050 71 -13.8% 0.046 | 0.062 0.056 -10.0%
Coastal Nymph RW C 0.041 0.049 70 +19.5% 0.036 | 0.050 0.046 +6.9%
Lemell Refugee RW C 0.015 0.047 67 +213.3% 0.014 | 0.054 0.029 +60.5%
Rune Crafter RW C 0.011 0.042 60 +281.8% 0.011 | 0.068 0.047 -10.6%
Dumacke Exile RW C 0.031 0.036 51 +16.1% 0.031 | 0.117 0.094 -61.7%
Septic Slime RW C 0.029 0.036 51 +24.1% 0.029 | 0.068 0.039 -7.0%
Whelp Herder RW C 0.017 0.034 49 +100.0% 0.017 | 0.038 0.032 +5.3%
Time Meddler RW C 0.049 0.033 47 -32.7% 0.038 | 0.056 0.050 -34.6%
Arachne Thug RW C 0.017 0.024 34 +41.2% 0.017 | 0.027 0.022 +10.5%
Lichen Beast RW C 0.024 0.011 16 -54.2% 0.011 | 0.024 0.015 -26.7%

43 cards, 2.033$ average

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