SPS 0.0062 DEC 0.698 VOU 0.0096 HIVE 0.224 COLONY 0.00050 SCRIPT 0.656 GLX 0.00058

List Price analysis

Last update: Jul 27, 2024 - 06:06.14

Currently 1217 days is the maximum of the recorded market history, with the passage of time bigger analysis periods will become available

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Period: 2024-07-20 - 2024-07-27

Prices $ 1 week AVG
Monster | Summoner 1 week ago Last DEC Trend Min / Max Value $ Last/AVG
Rage RB L 939.959 939.959 1,347,032 0.0% 767.469 | 939.959 915.318 +2.7%
Lorkus RB L 179.000 694.343 995,046 +287.9% 179.000 | 694.343 455.077 +52.6%
Venka the Vile RB L 235.200 499.000 715,105 +112.2% 235.200 | 940.799 442.680 +12.7%
Endura Brune RB L 200.000 210.000 300,946 +5.0% 125.000 | 210.000 191.071 +9.9%
Rush Townsend RB L 140.000 200.000 286,615 +42.9% 138.750 | 200.000 162.500 +23.1%
Kei RB L 419.999 164.999 236,456 -60.7% 169.999 | 419.999 287.945 -42.7%
Solace Ashinach RB L 129.000 145.000 207,796 +12.4% 129.000 | 149.375 137.964 +5.1%
Daarg Deadblast RB L 157.400 138.500 198,481 -12.0% 136.500 | 157.400 148.483 -6.7%
Runeseer Sevaya RB L 147.000 137.750 197,406 -6.3% 92.313 | 147.000 132.651 +3.8%
Akane RB L 146.020 134.900 193,322 -7.6% 134.900 | 146.020 143.264 -5.8%
Cryptic RB L 115.625 133.000 190,599 +15.0% 112.500 | 136.655 125.263 +6.2%
Chaos Golem RB L 200.000 125.000 179,134 -37.5% 137.500 | 200.000 181.250 -31.0%
Bera Dallin RB L 131.810 125.000 179,134 -5.2% 118.750 | 131.810 128.420 -2.7%
Demise Archon Faust RB L 107.499 105.989 151,890 -1.4% 105.989 | 107.499 106.636 -0.6%
Nalara Geinek RB L 112.700 101.650 145,672 -9.8% 101.650 | 112.700 108.394 -6.2%
Barashkukor RB L 132.660 99.999 143,306 -24.6% 96.875 | 132.660 115.300 -13.3%
Zebajin RB L 100.500 97.000 139,008 -3.5% 97.000 | 100.500 99.161 -2.2%
Commander Goff RB L 225.000 95.000 136,142 -57.8% 96.250 | 225.000 173.482 -45.2%
Lord Thanalor RB L 98.000 92.169 132,085 -6.0% 92.169 | 98.000 96.852 -4.8%
Executioner Kraan RB E 99.000 39.000 55,890 -60.6% 39.000 | 99.000 61.857 -37.0%
Harbinger of Chaos RB E 22.511 22.511 32,260 0.0% 22.511 | 22.511 22.511 0.0%
Karst Harpy RB E 16.090 19.900 28,518 +23.7% 16.068 | 19.900 18.615 +6.9%
Satha Toledo RB E 18.997 19.900 28,518 +4.8% 18.994 | 23.300 20.505 -3.0%
Captain Fellblade RB E 19.199 19.190 27,501 -0.0% 18.928 | 19.199 19.147 +0.2%
Infernal Firestorm RB E 26.000 18.900 27,085 -27.3% 18.191 | 26.000 23.536 -19.7%
Pallus RB E 21.499 18.747 26,866 -12.8% 17.560 | 21.499 19.472 -3.7%
Thanalorian Scion RB E 17.934 18.516 26,535 +3.2% 14.995 | 19.490 18.415 +0.5%
Redwyrm Hatchling RB E 19.319 18.050 25,867 -6.6% 18.050 | 19.319 18.910 -4.5%
Dalthin Ironhood RB E 18.500 15.750 22,571 -14.9% 15.750 | 18.821 17.460 -9.8%
Avarisdeus RB E 21.519 15.499 22,211 -28.0% 16.139 | 21.519 19.115 -18.9%
Great Porcupine RB E 19.304 14.799 21,208 -23.3% 15.736 | 19.304 18.309 -19.2%
Moxian Rebel RB R 14.150 14.750 21,138 +4.2% 14.150 | 15.000 14.819 -0.5%
Redwyrm Dragon RB E 23.045 14.000 20,063 -39.2% 14.575 | 23.045 20.235 -30.8%
Avina of the Wolf RB R 9.124 8.493 12,171 -6.9% 8.493 | 9.124 8.971 -5.3%
Torch Vizier RB R 5.698 7.544 10,811 +32.4% 5.698 | 7.990 7.168 +5.2%
Anasth Soothsayer RB R 8.187 7.419 10,632 -9.4% 7.419 | 8.188 7.947 -6.6%
Anachron Bolter RB R 6.320 5.941 8,514 -6.0% 5.941 | 6.320 6.235 -4.7%
Silverblade Fighter RB R 6.238 5.310 7,610 -14.9% 5.509 | 6.253 6.043 -12.1%
Blackmoor Nymph RB R 5.110 4.702 6,738 -8.0% 4.702 | 5.110 4.948 -5.0%
Prophet Rosa RB R 4.961 4.627 6,631 -6.7% 4.674 | 4.961 4.811 -3.8%
Underboss Fabino RB R 4.410 4.583 6,568 +3.9% 4.410 | 4.583 4.534 +1.1%
Ulundin Regulator RB R 3.283 4.000 5,732 +21.8% 3.250 | 4.158 3.828 +4.5%
Flame Mephit RB R 3.500 3.750 5,374 +7.1% 3.500 | 4.284 3.997 -6.2%
Torch Myrmidon RB R 4.034 3.670 5,259 -9.0% 4.034 | 4.584 4.328 -15.2%
Reklah RB R 3.854 3.580 5,130 -7.1% 3.631 | 3.854 3.738 -4.2%
Chaos Jailer RB R 3.872 3.468 4,970 -10.4% 3.498 | 3.872 3.686 -5.9%
Meriput Magician RB C 1.853 3.450 4,944 +86.2% 1.853 | 3.700 2.522 +36.8%
Argarux Magus RB R 2.993 3.440 4,930 +14.9% 2.970 | 3.455 3.199 +7.5%
Swell Spore Beast RB R 2.940 3.350 4,801 +13.9% 2.940 | 3.464 3.227 +3.8%
Drybone Bowdog RB R 3.941 3.170 4,543 -19.6% 3.173 | 3.941 3.473 -8.7%
Muspelheim Demon RB R 2.999 3.149 4,513 +5.0% 2.999 | 3.677 3.328 -5.4%
Nomos RB R 3.439 3.100 4,443 -9.9% 3.181 | 3.439 3.357 -7.7%
Gobson Sniper RB R 4.041 3.100 4,443 -23.3% 3.147 | 4.041 3.620 -14.4%
Pirate of Eight RB R 3.365 3.000 4,299 -10.8% 3.031 | 3.365 3.248 -7.6%
Mad Ogre Anarchist RB R 3.550 3.000 4,299 -15.5% 3.132 | 3.550 3.355 -10.6%
Thanalorian Archer RB R 4.246 2.950 4,228 -30.5% 3.475 | 4.246 3.741 -21.1%
Helheim Demon RB R 3.507 2.892 4,144 -17.5% 2.917 | 3.507 3.098 -6.6%
Daigendark Hunter RB R 3.074 2.891 4,143 -6.0% 2.891 | 3.074 3.038 -4.8%
Sea Dog of Eight RB R 3.571 2.803 4,017 -21.5% 2.803 | 3.571 3.332 -15.9%
Wailing Wraith RB R 3.723 2.693 3,859 -27.7% 2.696 | 3.723 3.305 -18.5%
Zeddica RB C 3.011 2.689 3,854 -10.7% 2.780 | 3.011 2.928 -8.2%
Prunda Undervesch RB C 3.077 2.644 3,789 -14.1% 2.645 | 3.077 2.933 -9.9%
Gobalano Soldier RB C 2.964 2.637 3,779 -11.0% 2.372 | 2.964 2.760 -4.5%
Lioceros RB R 3.517 2.500 3,583 -28.9% 2.613 | 3.517 2.998 -16.6%
Daigendark Surveyor RB C 2.821 2.497 3,578 -11.5% 2.628 | 3.635 3.063 -18.5%
Lurking Puffer RB C 2.269 2.472 3,543 +8.9% 2.261 | 5.446 2.957 -16.4%
Brewmaster Abraxas RB C 2.043 2.080 2,981 +1.8% 2.019 | 2.145 2.077 +0.2%
Nimbledook Scout RB C 1.800 1.998 2,863 +11.0% 1.698 | 2.500 2.018 -1.0%
Albahoo Forester RB C 1.780 1.889 2,707 +6.1% 1.780 | 2.337 2.009 -6.0%
Chuul Jujinchi RB C 2.349 1.853 2,655 -21.1% 1.853 | 2.349 2.188 -15.3%
Fenmoor Haunt RB C 0.936 1.540 2,207 +64.5% 0.909 | 1.540 1.153 +33.5%
Ujurak Mystic RB C 1.071 1.485 2,128 +38.7% 1.071 | 1.493 1.348 +10.2%
Ulundin Overseer RB C 1.281 1.485 2,128 +15.9% 1.261 | 6.722 2.095 -29.1%
Dolfar Darflak RB C 1.444 1.434 2,055 -0.7% 1.330 | 1.444 1.393 +2.9%
Ahna-Chei Botanist RB C 0.784 1.190 1,705 +51.8% 0.784 | 1.198 0.918 +29.6%
Blackmoor Trickster RB C 0.921 1.100 1,576 +19.4% 0.874 | 1.100 0.979 +12.3%
Chaos Rear Guard RB C 0.779 1.100 1,576 +41.2% 0.779 | 1.187 1.074 +2.4%
Sultry Barmaid RB C 0.794 1.034 1,482 +30.2% 0.778 | 1.034 0.898 +15.2%
Chaos Animator RB C 1.022 1.016 1,456 -0.6% 1.019 | 1.086 1.049 -3.2%
Chaos Orc RB C 0.677 0.955 1,369 +41.1% 0.677 | 0.970 0.851 +12.2%
Nimbledook Ranger RB C 0.930 0.952 1,364 +2.4% 0.924 | 0.952 0.938 +1.4%
New Sskah Drudge RB C 1.088 0.938 1,344 -13.8% 0.948 | 1.088 1.020 -8.1%
Aria Bandit RB C 0.666 0.922 1,321 +38.4% 0.666 | 0.987 0.849 +8.7%
Grimbardun Fighter RB C 0.924 0.900 1,290 -2.6% 0.900 | 1.080 0.969 -7.1%
Endless Ape RB C 0.731 0.840 1,204 +14.9% 0.731 | 1.099 0.894 -6.1%
Khazi Fire Mage RB C 0.997 0.832 1,192 -16.5% 0.856 | 0.997 0.937 -11.2%
Skyspire Yak RB C 0.590 0.795 1,139 +34.7% 0.590 | 0.796 0.743 +7.0%
Chaos Lackey RB C 0.735 0.768 1,101 +4.5% 0.735 | 0.772 0.751 +2.2%
Mar Toren Seeker RB C 0.843 0.736 1,055 -12.7% 0.808 | 0.876 0.848 -13.3%

89 cards, 52.383$ average

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