SPS 0.0062 DEC 0.693 VOU 0.0096 HIVE 0.224 COLONY 0.00050 SCRIPT 0.658 GLX 0.00058

List Price analysis

Last update: Jul 27, 2024 - 08:45.18

Currently 1217 days is the maximum of the recorded market history, with the passage of time bigger analysis periods will become available

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Period: 2024-07-20 - 2024-07-27

Prices $ 1 week AVG
Monster | Summoner 1 week ago Last DEC Trend Min / Max Value $ Last/AVG
Lord Arianthus R L 17.002 16.500 23,806 -3.0% 16.500 | 17.002 16.572 -0.4%
Black Dragon R L 5.638 11.000 15,871 +95.1% 5.600 | 9.650 6.184 +77.9%
Ruler of the Seas R L 7.637 8.500 12,264 +11.3% 7.637 | 8.500 8.176 +4.0%
Almo Cambio R L 8.500 8.075 11,651 -5.0% 8.500 | 8.500 8.500 -5.0%
Zalran Efreet R L 3.900 6.659 9,608 +70.7% 3.389 | 4.207 3.871 +72.0%
The Kraken R L 6.807 6.200 8,945 -8.9% 6.236 | 6.807 6.614 -6.3%
Spirit Miner R L 5.879 5.879 8,482 0.0% 5.879 | 5.879 5.879 0.0%
Bila the Radiant R L 5.478 5.192 7,491 -5.2% 5.232 | 5.478 5.379 -3.5%
Robo-Dragon Knight R L 7.646 4.532 6,539 -40.7% 4.771 | 7.646 6.252 -27.5%
Brownie R E 0.820 4.344 6,267 +429.8% 0.820 | 1.409 1.026 +323.5%
Sacred Unicorn R L 5.878 4.252 6,135 -27.7% 4.252 | 5.894 5.348 -20.5%
Fallen Specter R L 4.138 4.138 5,970 0.0% 4.137 | 4.138 4.138 +0.0%
Daria Dragonscale R E 1.960 1.960 2,828 0.0% 1.960 | 1.960 1.960 0.0%
Ancient Lich R L 1.710 1.615 2,330 -5.6% 1.628 | 1.712 1.687 -4.3%
Spirit Druid Grog R L 1.290 1.140 1,645 -11.6% 1.268 | 1.294 1.288 -11.5%
Manticore R E 1.031 0.990 1,428 -4.0% 0.990 | 1.031 1.002 -1.2%
Phantom Soldier R E 1.004 0.973 1,404 -3.1% 0.981 | 1.004 1.000 -2.7%
Beetle Queen R R 0.284 0.679 980 +139.1% 0.216 | 0.563 0.295 +130.4%
Fire Spitter R E 0.720 0.668 964 -7.2% 0.682 | 0.720 0.709 -5.8%
Axemaster R E 0.683 0.637 919 -6.7% 0.678 | 0.683 0.681 -6.5%
Imp Bowman R E 0.700 0.610 880 -12.9% 0.625 | 0.700 0.665 -8.2%
Venator Kinjo R L 0.410 0.600 866 +46.3% 0.403 | 0.582 0.445 +34.9%
Spirit Shaman R E 0.590 0.547 789 -7.3% 0.564 | 0.590 0.583 -6.1%
Countess Sinash R L 0.584 0.535 772 -8.4% 0.544 | 0.584 0.559 -4.2%
Jared Scar R L 0.520 0.533 769 +2.5% 0.519 | 0.578 0.540 -1.4%
Divine Sorceress R E 0.530 0.530 765 0.0% 0.530 | 0.530 0.530 0.0%
Skeletal Warrior R R 0.800 0.469 677 -41.4% 0.469 | 0.800 0.566 -17.1%
Prismatic Energy R R 0.347 0.436 629 +25.6% 0.347 | 0.490 0.436 -0.1%
Djinn Biljka R L 0.487 0.400 577 -17.9% 0.370 | 0.487 0.426 -6.2%
Djinn Oshannus R L 0.416 0.390 563 -6.3% 0.389 | 0.425 0.405 -3.6%
Harklaw R L 0.443 0.380 548 -14.2% 0.406 | 0.450 0.435 -12.7%
Boogeyman R R 0.157 0.350 505 +122.9% 0.132 | 0.391 0.228 +53.7%
Kretch Tallevor R E 0.440 0.349 504 -20.7% 0.349 | 0.440 0.416 -16.0%
Furious Chicken R R 0.348 0.334 482 -4.0% 0.322 | 0.355 0.342 -2.4%
Mushroom Seer R R 0.210 0.318 459 +51.4% 0.210 | 0.322 0.291 +9.1%
Flame Imp R R 0.295 0.317 457 +7.5% 0.295 | 0.317 0.307 +3.3%
Naga Windmaster R R 0.312 0.299 431 -4.2% 0.299 | 0.312 0.304 -1.7%
Silvershield Assassin R R 0.284 0.281 405 -1.1% 0.283 | 0.284 0.284 -1.0%
Battle Orca R R 0.300 0.258 372 -14.0% 0.258 | 0.300 0.281 -8.1%
Gremlin Blaster R R 0.355 0.254 366 -28.5% 0.275 | 0.355 0.315 -19.4%
Naga Fire Wizard R R 0.240 0.250 361 +4.2% 0.226 | 0.279 0.251 -0.5%
Shadowy Presence R E 0.243 0.250 361 +2.9% 0.203 | 0.243 0.222 +12.5%
Pirate Archer R R 0.230 0.227 328 -1.3% 0.227 | 0.230 0.229 -0.8%
Crystal Werewolf R R 0.210 0.217 313 +3.3% 0.210 | 0.230 0.224 -3.1%
Serpentine Mystic R R 0.169 0.213 307 +26.0% 0.169 | 0.213 0.190 +12.0%
Torhilo the Frozen R E 0.300 0.210 303 -30.0% 0.212 | 0.300 0.270 -22.2%
Kelp Initiate R R 0.245 0.207 299 -15.5% 0.214 | 0.245 0.231 -10.4%
Javelin Thrower R R 0.172 0.199 287 +15.7% 0.172 | 0.204 0.195 +2.1%
Evangelist R E 0.207 0.199 287 -3.9% 0.207 | 0.211 0.210 -5.3%
Pyromancer R E 0.230 0.192 277 -16.5% 0.205 | 0.230 0.224 -14.4%
Octopider R R 0.200 0.190 274 -5.0% 0.190 | 0.200 0.194 -1.9%
Onyx Sentinel R E 0.250 0.186 268 -25.6% 0.187 | 0.250 0.223 -16.6%
Hobgoblin R R 0.129 0.178 257 +38.0% 0.129 | 0.178 0.139 +28.5%
Wood Nymph R C 0.076 0.178 257 +134.2% 0.070 | 0.170 0.096 +86.0%
Highland Archer R C 0.242 0.159 229 -34.3% 0.113 | 0.242 0.179 -11.3%
Captain's Ghost R R 0.054 0.157 227 +190.7% 0.054 | 0.389 0.234 -33.0%
Rusty Android R C 0.050 0.143 206 +186.0% 0.050 | 0.224 0.141 +1.2%
Temple Priest R R 0.190 0.131 189 -31.1% 0.141 | 0.190 0.169 -22.5%
Ettin Spearman R C 0.338 0.117 169 -65.4% 0.117 | 0.338 0.211 -44.5%
Vampire R C 0.241 0.099 143 -58.9% 0.099 | 0.241 0.154 -35.8%
Grim Reaper R R 0.194 0.099 143 -49.0% 0.149 | 0.194 0.165 -40.2%
Flame Monkey R C 0.096 0.096 139 0.0% 0.096 | 0.096 0.096 0.0%
Gelatinous Cube R C 0.102 0.094 136 -7.8% 0.102 | 0.120 0.111 -15.1%
Dark Ferryman R R 0.130 0.093 134 -28.5% 0.099 | 0.130 0.117 -20.4%
Efreet Elder R R 0.148 0.091 131 -38.5% 0.101 | 0.148 0.131 -30.3%
Sea Genie R C 0.095 0.087 126 -8.4% 0.089 | 0.095 0.092 -5.9%
Tide Biter R E 0.085 0.086 124 +1.2% 0.085 | 0.099 0.092 -6.8%
Djinn Renova R E 0.090 0.085 123 -5.6% 0.075 | 0.090 0.081 +5.1%
Djinn Chwala R E 0.087 0.085 123 -2.3% 0.075 | 0.087 0.081 +5.5%
Revealer R E 0.088 0.083 120 -5.7% 0.088 | 0.099 0.092 -9.4%
Goblin Mech R C 0.080 0.079 114 -1.3% 0.057 | 0.080 0.076 +4.1%
Uraeus R E 0.079 0.078 113 -1.3% 0.077 | 0.080 0.079 -0.9%
Silvershield Archers R C 0.075 0.075 108 0.0% 0.060 | 0.075 0.071 +5.8%
Silvershield Sheriff R R 0.084 0.075 108 -10.7% 0.077 | 0.090 0.082 -8.1%
Lava Launcher R E 0.095 0.075 108 -21.1% 0.074 | 0.095 0.081 -7.9%
Fineas Rage R R 0.133 0.066 95 -50.4% 0.068 | 0.133 0.098 -32.7%
Centauri Mage R R 0.053 0.066 95 +24.5% 0.053 | 0.084 0.078 -15.2%
Gloridax Soldier R R 0.081 0.064 92 -21.0% 0.064 | 0.081 0.073 -12.0%
Sand Worm R C 0.075 0.059 85 -21.3% 0.072 | 0.075 0.074 -20.4%
Sea Monster R C 0.114 0.057 82 -50.0% 0.059 | 0.114 0.093 -38.8%
Screeching Vulture R C 0.048 0.047 68 -2.1% 0.046 | 0.048 0.047 -0.9%
Exploding Dwarf R C 0.050 0.046 66 -8.0% 0.049 | 0.050 0.050 -7.5%
Nightmare R C 0.040 0.032 46 -20.0% 0.016 | 0.052 0.040 -19.7%
Undead Rexx R C 0.030 0.030 43 0.0% 0.013 | 0.030 0.023 +29.6%
Creeping Ooze R C 0.050 0.029 42 -42.0% 0.041 | 0.050 0.047 -38.5%
Nectar Queen R C 0.038 0.029 42 -23.7% 0.029 | 0.038 0.033 -11.4%
Baby Unicorn R C 0.060 0.028 40 -53.3% 0.043 | 0.060 0.057 -50.9%
Warrior of Peace R C 0.025 0.026 38 +4.0% 0.024 | 0.026 0.025 +2.2%
Phantasm R C 0.024 0.024 35 0.0% 0.023 | 0.025 0.024 -0.6%
Undead Minotaur R C 0.071 0.022 32 -69.0% 0.031 | 0.071 0.046 -51.9%
Wave Runner R C 0.020 0.020 29 0.0% 0.018 | 0.020 0.019 +2.9%
Barking Spider R C 0.020 0.018 26 -10.0% 0.018 | 0.020 0.019 -6.7%
Ant Miners R C 0.040 0.017 25 -57.5% 0.019 | 0.040 0.035 -51.2%
Chain Spinner R C 0.030 0.017 25 -43.3% 0.018 | 0.030 0.024 -29.6%
Demented Shark R C 0.023 0.017 25 -26.1% 0.019 | 0.023 0.022 -22.7%
Venari Wavesmith R R 0.017 0.017 25 0.0% 0.016 | 0.019 0.017 -1.7%
Dhampir Infiltrator R R 0.019 0.017 25 -10.5% 0.017 | 0.019 0.018 -4.8%
Exploding Rats R R 0.019 0.016 23 -15.8% 0.016 | 0.019 0.017 -7.4%
Venari Seedsmith R R 0.017 0.016 23 -5.9% 0.015 | 0.017 0.016 -2.6%
Venari Bonesmith R R 0.017 0.016 23 -5.9% 0.016 | 0.017 0.016 -2.6%
Venari Crystalsmith R R 0.017 0.016 23 -5.9% 0.016 | 0.017 0.016 -0.9%
Naga Assassin R R 0.017 0.016 23 -5.9% 0.016 | 0.017 0.016 -0.9%
Twilight Basilisk R R 0.019 0.016 23 -15.8% 0.016 | 0.019 0.018 -10.4%
Gargoya Devil R R 0.016 0.016 23 0.0% 0.016 | 0.016 0.016 0.0%
Vulguine R R 0.017 0.016 23 -5.9% 0.016 | 0.017 0.016 -1.8%
Vampiric Blossom R R 0.017 0.016 23 -5.9% 0.016 | 0.017 0.016 -1.8%
Charlok Minotaur R C 0.019 0.012 17 -36.8% 0.014 | 0.019 0.017 -29.4%
Harvester R C 0.021 0.012 17 -42.9% 0.010 | 0.021 0.016 -22.9%
Venari Heatsmith R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%
Pelacor Mercenary R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%
Pelacor Bandit R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%
Pelacor Deceiver R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%
Pelacor Conjurer R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%
Gargoya Lion R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%
Merdhampir R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%
Vampire Bat R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%
Ever-Hungry Skull R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%
Blood Maker R C 0.010 0.010 14 0.0% 0.010 | 0.010 0.010 0.0%

118 cards, 0.916$ average

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