SPS 0.0062 DEC 0.696 VOU 0.0096 HIVE 0.226 COLONY 0.00050 SCRIPT 0.662 GLX 0.00056

List Price analysis

Last update: Jul 27, 2024 - 10:13.13

Currently 1217 days is the maximum of the recorded market history, with the passage of time bigger analysis periods will become available

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Period: 2024-07-20 - 2024-07-27

Prices $ 1 week AVG
Monster | Summoner 1 week ago Last DEC Trend Min / Max Value $ Last/AVG
Valnamor B L 274.000 88.000 126,509 -67.9% 88.000 | 274.000 201.268 -56.3%
Crypt Mancer B L 70.000 65.000 93,445 -7.1% 65.000 | 70.000 66.161 -1.8%
The Peakrider B L 26.999 26.999 38,814 0.0% 26.999 | 26.999 26.999 0.0%
Prince Rennyn B L 24.999 24.999 35,939 0.0% 24.999 | 24.999 24.999 0.0%
Hydra B L 22.350 22.349 32,129 -0.0% 22.349 | 22.350 22.350 -0.0%
Spirit of the Forest B L 18.699 18.699 26,882 0.0% 18.699 | 18.699 18.699 0.0%
Spirit of the Forest B L 18.699 18.699 26,882 0.0% 18.699 | 18.699 18.699 0.0%
Plado Emberstorm B L 12.900 17.999 25,876 +39.5% 12.900 | 18.000 15.723 +14.5%
Selenia Sky B L 17.854 17.854 25,667 0.0% 17.854 | 17.854 17.854 0.0%
Selenia Sky B L 17.854 17.854 25,667 0.0% 17.854 | 17.854 17.854 0.0%
Gold Dragon B L 12.000 12.000 17,251 0.0% 12.000 | 12.000 12.000 0.0%
Gold Dragon B L 12.000 12.000 17,251 0.0% 12.000 | 12.000 12.000 0.0%
Elemental Phoenix B L 8.999 9.500 13,657 +5.6% 6.999 | 11.800 9.107 +4.3%
Elemental Phoenix B L 8.999 9.500 13,657 +5.6% 6.999 | 11.800 9.107 +4.3%
Frost Giant B L 6.369 6.369 9,156 0.0% 6.369 | 6.369 6.369 0.0%
Frost Giant B L 6.369 6.369 9,156 0.0% 6.369 | 6.369 6.369 0.0%
Lord of Darkness B L 5.999 5.999 8,624 0.0% 5.999 | 5.999 5.999 0.0%
Lord of Darkness B L 5.999 5.999 8,624 0.0% 5.999 | 5.999 5.999 0.0%
Angel of Light B L 7.000 5.750 8,266 -17.9% 5.500 | 7.000 6.175 -6.9%
Angel of Light B L 7.000 5.750 8,266 -17.9% 5.500 | 7.000 6.175 -6.9%
Alric Stormbringer B R 5.500 5.558 7,990 +1.1% 5.500 | 6.263 5.804 -4.2%
Alric Stormbringer B R 5.500 5.558 7,990 +1.1% 5.500 | 6.263 5.804 -4.2%
Chromatic Dragon B L 6.990 4.880 7,016 -30.2% 6.946 | 6.990 6.978 -30.1%
Chromatic Dragon B L 6.990 4.880 7,016 -30.2% 6.946 | 6.990 6.978 -30.1%
Lightning Dragon B L 5.953 4.330 6,225 -27.3% 5.343 | 5.953 5.866 -26.2%
Lightning Dragon B L 5.953 4.330 6,225 -27.3% 5.343 | 5.953 5.866 -26.2%
Magi Sphinx B E 3.700 3.700 5,319 0.0% 3.700 | 3.700 3.700 0.0%
Serpentine Soldier B R 3.440 3.346 4,810 -2.7% 3.346 | 3.440 3.386 -1.2%
Serpentine Soldier B R 3.440 3.346 4,810 -2.7% 3.346 | 3.440 3.386 -1.2%
Magi of the Forest B E 3.039 2.829 4,067 -6.9% 2.864 | 3.039 2.953 -4.2%
Magi of the Forest B E 3.039 2.829 4,067 -6.9% 2.864 | 3.039 2.953 -4.2%
Naga Warrior B E 2.746 2.645 3,802 -3.7% 2.645 | 2.746 2.719 -2.7%
Naga Warrior B E 2.746 2.645 3,802 -3.7% 2.645 | 2.746 2.719 -2.7%
Xia Seachan B E 9.313 2.499 3,593 -73.2% 4.099 | 9.313 8.416 -70.3%
Talia Firestorm B E 2.410 2.410 3,465 0.0% 2.000 | 2.410 2.161 +11.5%
Jarlax the Undead B E 1.960 1.960 2,818 0.0% 1.960 | 1.960 1.960 0.0%
Kiara Lightbringer B E 1.600 1.600 2,300 0.0% 1.600 | 1.600 1.600 0.0%
Air Elemental B E 1.696 1.538 2,211 -9.3% 1.494 | 1.696 1.594 -3.5%
Air Elemental B E 1.696 1.538 2,211 -9.3% 1.494 | 1.696 1.594 -3.5%
Defender of Truth B E 1.668 1.520 2,185 -8.9% 1.540 | 1.668 1.602 -5.1%
Defender of Truth B E 1.668 1.520 2,185 -8.9% 1.540 | 1.668 1.602 -5.1%
Xander Foxwood B E 2.249 1.499 2,155 -33.3% 1.499 | 2.249 1.824 -17.8%
Serpent of the Flame B E 1.782 1.379 1,982 -22.6% 1.779 | 1.782 1.781 -22.6%
Serpent of the Flame B E 1.782 1.379 1,982 -22.6% 1.779 | 1.782 1.781 -22.6%
Mischievous Mermaid B E 1.270 1.269 1,824 -0.1% 1.269 | 1.270 1.270 -0.1%
Mischievous Mermaid B E 1.270 1.269 1,824 -0.1% 1.269 | 1.270 1.270 -0.1%
Swamp Thing B E 1.359 1.029 1,479 -24.3% 1.188 | 1.359 1.280 -19.6%
Swamp Thing B E 1.359 1.029 1,479 -24.3% 1.188 | 1.359 1.280 -19.6%
Screaming Banshee B E 0.967 0.988 1,420 +2.2% 0.915 | 1.000 0.964 +2.5%
Screaming Banshee B E 0.967 0.988 1,420 +2.2% 0.915 | 1.000 0.964 +2.5%
Dark Enchantress B E 0.593 0.960 1,380 +61.9% 0.553 | 0.960 0.722 +32.9%
Dark Enchantress B E 0.593 0.960 1,380 +61.9% 0.553 | 0.960 0.722 +32.9%
Fire Demon B E 1.000 0.958 1,377 -4.2% 0.958 | 1.000 0.988 -3.0%
Fire Demon B E 1.000 0.958 1,377 -4.2% 0.958 | 1.000 0.988 -3.0%
Raging Impaler B E 0.910 0.909 1,307 -0.1% 0.909 | 0.910 0.910 -0.1%
Silvershield Paladin B R 0.856 0.854 1,228 -0.2% 0.855 | 0.856 0.856 -0.2%
Silvershield Paladin B R 0.856 0.854 1,228 -0.2% 0.855 | 0.856 0.856 -0.2%
Fire Beetle B C 0.646 0.699 1,005 +8.2% 0.646 | 0.700 0.673 +3.8%
Silvershield Knight B C 0.746 0.699 1,005 -6.3% 0.699 | 0.746 0.727 -3.8%
Fire Beetle B C 0.646 0.699 1,005 +8.2% 0.646 | 0.700 0.673 +3.8%
Silvershield Knight B C 0.746 0.699 1,005 -6.3% 0.699 | 0.746 0.727 -3.8%
Centaur B C 0.543 0.616 886 +13.4% 0.543 | 0.646 0.613 +0.4%
Zintar Mortalis B R 0.472 0.609 876 +29.0% 0.472 | 1.444 0.883 -31.1%
Zintar Mortalis B R 0.472 0.609 876 +29.0% 0.472 | 1.444 0.883 -31.1%
Rexxie B C 0.600 0.580 834 -3.3% 0.580 | 0.600 0.592 -2.1%
Rexxie B C 0.600 0.580 834 -3.3% 0.580 | 0.600 0.592 -2.1%
Undead Priest B R 0.616 0.499 717 -19.0% 0.499 | 0.616 0.560 -10.9%
Undead Priest B R 0.616 0.499 717 -19.0% 0.499 | 0.616 0.560 -10.9%
Cyclops B R 0.886 0.472 679 -46.7% 0.473 | 0.886 0.671 -29.6%
Cerberus B R 0.440 0.440 633 0.0% 0.373 | 0.440 0.430 +2.2%
Cerberus B R 0.440 0.440 633 0.0% 0.373 | 0.440 0.430 +2.2%
Peacebringer B R 0.656 0.411 591 -37.3% 0.412 | 0.656 0.593 -30.6%
Peacebringer B R 0.656 0.411 591 -37.3% 0.412 | 0.656 0.593 -30.6%
Divine Healer B C 0.410 0.406 584 -1.0% 0.409 | 0.410 0.410 -0.9%
Divine Healer B C 0.410 0.406 584 -1.0% 0.409 | 0.410 0.410 -0.9%
Haunted Spider B C 0.446 0.398 572 -10.8% 0.399 | 0.446 0.430 -7.5%
Haunted Spider B C 0.446 0.398 572 -10.8% 0.399 | 0.446 0.430 -7.5%
Twisted Jester B R 0.642 0.385 553 -40.0% 0.385 | 0.642 0.513 -24.9%
Twisted Jester B R 0.642 0.385 553 -40.0% 0.385 | 0.642 0.513 -24.9%
Crustacean King B C 0.386 0.380 546 -1.6% 0.353 | 0.386 0.378 +0.5%
Crustacean King B C 0.386 0.380 546 -1.6% 0.353 | 0.386 0.378 +0.5%
Malric Inferno B R 0.337 0.336 483 -0.3% 0.335 | 0.337 0.336 -0.0%
Malric Inferno B R 0.337 0.336 483 -0.3% 0.335 | 0.337 0.336 -0.0%
Cocatrice B R 0.374 0.334 480 -10.7% 0.366 | 0.374 0.373 -10.4%
Spineback Turtle B C 0.350 0.331 476 -5.4% 0.331 | 0.350 0.341 -3.1%
Spineback Turtle B C 0.350 0.331 476 -5.4% 0.331 | 0.350 0.341 -3.1%
Water Elemental B R 0.330 0.328 472 -0.6% 0.329 | 0.330 0.330 -0.5%
Water Elemental B R 0.330 0.328 472 -0.6% 0.329 | 0.330 0.330 -0.5%
Lyanna Natura B R 0.410 0.313 450 -23.7% 0.329 | 0.410 0.368 -14.9%
Lyanna Natura B R 0.410 0.313 450 -23.7% 0.329 | 0.410 0.368 -14.9%
Medusa B R 0.242 0.296 426 +22.3% 0.229 | 0.300 0.280 +5.6%
Medusa B R 0.242 0.296 426 +22.3% 0.229 | 0.300 0.280 +5.6%
Grumpy Dwarf B C 0.546 0.286 411 -47.6% 0.345 | 0.546 0.467 -38.7%
Earth Elemental B R 0.283 0.283 407 0.0% 0.282 | 0.283 0.283 +0.1%
Earth Elemental B R 0.283 0.283 407 0.0% 0.282 | 0.283 0.283 +0.1%
Enchanted Pixie B R 0.303 0.271 390 -10.6% 0.272 | 0.303 0.286 -5.1%
Tyrus Paladium B R 0.228 0.269 387 +18.0% 0.206 | 0.449 0.285 -5.6%
Tyrus Paladium B R 0.228 0.269 387 +18.0% 0.206 | 0.449 0.285 -5.6%
Feral Spirit B C 0.536 0.249 358 -53.5% 0.343 | 0.536 0.466 -46.5%
Feral Spirit B C 0.536 0.249 358 -53.5% 0.343 | 0.536 0.466 -46.5%
Pit Ogre B R 0.250 0.229 329 -8.4% 0.229 | 0.250 0.235 -2.6%
Pit Ogre B R 0.250 0.229 329 -8.4% 0.229 | 0.250 0.235 -2.6%
Haunted Spirit B R 0.393 0.217 312 -44.8% 0.233 | 0.393 0.315 -31.2%
Haunted Spirit B R 0.393 0.217 312 -44.8% 0.233 | 0.393 0.315 -31.2%
Stonesplitter Orc B R 0.214 0.213 306 -0.5% 0.213 | 0.214 0.214 -0.3%
Stonesplitter Orc B R 0.214 0.213 306 -0.5% 0.213 | 0.214 0.214 -0.3%
Minotaur Warrior B C 0.244 0.205 295 -16.0% 0.205 | 0.244 0.233 -11.9%
Minotaur Warrior B C 0.244 0.205 295 -16.0% 0.205 | 0.244 0.233 -11.9%
Stone Golem B R 0.281 0.199 286 -29.2% 0.199 | 0.281 0.243 -18.2%
Stone Golem B R 0.281 0.199 286 -29.2% 0.199 | 0.281 0.243 -18.2%
Frozen Soldier B R 0.208 0.189 272 -9.1% 0.189 | 0.208 0.194 -2.7%
Silvershield Warrior B C 0.206 0.189 272 -8.3% 0.189 | 0.206 0.193 -2.1%
Frozen Soldier B R 0.208 0.189 272 -9.1% 0.189 | 0.208 0.194 -2.7%
Silvershield Warrior B C 0.206 0.189 272 -8.3% 0.189 | 0.206 0.193 -2.1%
Flesh Golem B C 0.179 0.188 270 +5.0% 0.179 | 0.188 0.186 +1.2%
Flesh Golem B C 0.179 0.188 270 +5.0% 0.179 | 0.188 0.186 +1.2%
Clay Golem B R 0.180 0.187 269 +3.9% 0.180 | 0.187 0.183 +2.4%
Clay Golem B R 0.180 0.187 269 +3.9% 0.180 | 0.187 0.183 +2.4%
Skeleton Assassin B C 0.180 0.178 256 -1.1% 0.178 | 0.180 0.179 -0.6%
Skeleton Assassin B C 0.180 0.178 256 -1.1% 0.178 | 0.180 0.179 -0.6%
Peaceful Giant B C 0.446 0.165 237 -63.0% 0.363 | 0.446 0.426 -61.3%
Animated Corpse B C 0.244 0.149 214 -38.9% 0.145 | 0.244 0.206 -27.5%
Animated Corpse B C 0.244 0.149 214 -38.9% 0.145 | 0.244 0.206 -27.5%
Goblin Shaman B C 0.140 0.129 185 -7.9% 0.129 | 0.140 0.136 -4.9%
Elven Cutthroat B C 0.143 0.129 185 -9.8% 0.129 | 0.144 0.135 -4.1%
Goblin Shaman B C 0.140 0.129 185 -7.9% 0.129 | 0.140 0.136 -4.9%
Sabre Shark B C 0.124 0.123 177 -0.8% 0.123 | 0.124 0.124 -0.6%
Sabre Shark B C 0.124 0.123 177 -0.8% 0.123 | 0.124 0.124 -0.6%
Goblin Sorcerer B C 0.140 0.111 160 -20.7% 0.135 | 0.140 0.139 -20.3%
Goblin Sorcerer B C 0.140 0.111 160 -20.7% 0.135 | 0.140 0.139 -20.3%
Pirate Captain B C 0.088 0.108 155 +22.7% 0.075 | 0.110 0.096 +12.2%
Pirate Captain B C 0.088 0.108 155 +22.7% 0.075 | 0.110 0.096 +12.2%
Kobold Miner B C 0.160 0.105 151 -34.4% 0.122 | 0.160 0.148 -29.1%
Kobold Miner B C 0.160 0.105 151 -34.4% 0.122 | 0.160 0.148 -29.1%
Giant Roc B C 0.084 0.084 121 0.0% 0.084 | 0.084 0.084 0.0%
Giant Roc B C 0.084 0.084 121 0.0% 0.084 | 0.084 0.084 0.0%
Spineback Wolf B C 0.070 0.060 86 -14.3% 0.059 | 0.070 0.063 -5.0%
Spineback Wolf B C 0.070 0.060 86 -14.3% 0.059 | 0.070 0.063 -5.0%

138 cards, 3.654$ average

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