SPS 0.0062 DEC 0.695 VOU 0.0096 HIVE 0.224 COLONY 0.00050 SCRIPT 0.657 GLX 0.00062

List Price analysis

Last update: Jul 27, 2024 - 04:48.13

Currently 1217 days is the maximum of the recorded market history, with the passage of time bigger analysis periods will become available

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Period: 2024-07-20 - 2024-07-27

Prices $ 1 week AVG
Monster | Summoner 1 week ago Last DEC Trend Min / Max Value $ Last/AVG
Moxian Rebel RB R 1.183 1.161 1,672 -1.9% 1.163 | 1.259 1.222 -5.0%
Anasth Soothsayer RB R 0.725 0.815 1,174 +12.4% 0.725 | 0.825 0.782 +4.2%
Sea Dog of Eight RB R 0.173 0.739 1,064 +327.2% 0.166 | 0.756 0.319 +131.6%
Avina of the Wolf RB R 0.782 0.600 864 -23.3% 0.624 | 0.782 0.708 -15.3%
Prophet Rosa RB R 0.559 0.441 635 -21.1% 0.469 | 0.560 0.531 -17.0%
Blackmoor Nymph RB R 0.439 0.406 585 -7.5% 0.387 | 0.439 0.419 -3.1%
Anachron Bolter RB R 0.376 0.400 576 +6.4% 0.361 | 0.454 0.422 -5.1%
Underboss Fabino RB R 0.322 0.315 454 -2.2% 0.315 | 0.329 0.321 -2.0%
Silverblade Fighter RB R 0.314 0.287 413 -8.6% 0.308 | 0.314 0.312 -8.0%
Torch Vizier RB R 0.285 0.285 410 0.0% 0.246 | 0.299 0.276 +3.1%
Chaos Jailer RB R 0.228 0.283 407 +24.1% 0.228 | 0.310 0.268 +5.5%
Wailing Wraith RB R 0.263 0.270 389 +2.7% 0.261 | 0.282 0.268 +0.7%
Ulundin Regulator RB R 0.182 0.269 387 +47.8% 0.182 | 0.318 0.252 +6.6%
Mad Ogre Anarchist RB R 0.268 0.260 374 -3.0% 0.268 | 0.323 0.293 -11.4%
Reklah RB R 0.250 0.220 317 -12.0% 0.233 | 0.255 0.243 -9.3%
Swell Spore Beast RB R 0.246 0.219 315 -11.0% 0.246 | 0.286 0.262 -16.5%
Argarux Magus RB R 0.259 0.219 315 -15.4% 0.219 | 0.260 0.246 -11.1%
Pirate of Eight RB R 0.300 0.209 301 -30.3% 0.219 | 0.300 0.255 -18.1%
Daigendark Hunter RB R 0.182 0.193 278 +6.0% 0.175 | 0.189 0.183 +5.6%
Gobson Sniper RB R 0.156 0.164 236 +5.1% 0.156 | 0.172 0.166 -0.9%
Lioceros RB R 0.199 0.161 232 -19.1% 0.172 | 0.224 0.207 -22.3%
Drybone Bowdog RB R 0.232 0.157 226 -32.3% 0.163 | 0.232 0.206 -23.7%
Helheim Demon RB R 0.171 0.156 225 -8.8% 0.161 | 0.195 0.182 -14.4%
Nomos RB R 0.168 0.149 215 -11.3% 0.142 | 0.168 0.158 -5.5%
Muspelheim Demon RB R 0.159 0.148 213 -6.9% 0.138 | 0.162 0.153 -3.3%
Thanalorian Archer RB R 0.173 0.147 212 -15.0% 0.151 | 0.173 0.163 -9.8%
Flame Mephit RB R 0.138 0.142 204 +2.9% 0.134 | 0.148 0.143 -0.6%
Torch Myrmidon RB R 0.141 0.140 202 -0.7% 0.141 | 0.154 0.148 -5.3%

28 cards, 0.320$ average

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